The longest time 歌詞 158453-The longest time 歌詞
For the longest time Woah, oh, oh For the longest ああ、そうだな すっかり長くなってしまったな 考えてみれば 長い時間になってしまったんだな If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be music left to write What else could I do I'm so inspired by you That hasn't happened for the歌詞の意味 それはあなたが私を発見 When you put your arms around me 歌詞の意味 私の周りに腕を置くとき I haven't been there for the longest time 歌詞の意味 私は長い間されていません。 Oh, oh, oh 歌詞の意味 ああ、ああ、ああ For the longest time 歌詞の意味 長い時間のためThe Longest Time歌詞Oh oh oh(For the longest) For the longest timeOh oh oh(For the longest) For the longestIf you said goodbye to me tonightThere would still be musi MyMusic懂你想聽的,打開APP立即開始聽歌
The Longest Time Lyrics Billy Joel Song In Images
The longest time 歌詞
The longest time 歌詞-ゴスペラーズの「The Longest Time」動画視聴ページです。歌詞と動画を見ることができます。(歌いだし)Oh oh oh For the longest 歌ネットは無料の歌詞検索サービスです。That hasn't happened for the longest time Once I thought my innocence was gone Now I know that happiness goes on That's where you found me When you put your arms around me I haven't been there for the longest time Woah, oh, oh, oh For the longest time Woah, oh, oh For the longest I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall And the greatest
Billy joelさんの『the longest time(ロンゲスト・タイム)』歌詞です。 / 『うたまっぷ』歌詞の無料検索表示サイトです。歌詞全文から一部のフレーズを入力して検索できます。最新jpop曲・tv主題歌・アニメ・演歌などあらゆる曲から自作投稿歌詞まで、約500,000曲以上の歌詞が検索表示できます歌詞 曲名: The Longest Time アーティスト:ゴスペラーズ 作詞:Billy Joel 作曲:Billy Joel Oh, oh, oh For the longest time Oh, oh, oh For the longest time If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be music left to write What else could I do I'm so inspired by youFor The Longest Time by Billy Joel With Lyrics For The Longest Time by Billy Joel With Lyrics
The Longest Time歌詞Oh, oh, oh For the longest time Oh, oh, oh For the longest time If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be m 快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。The Longest Time(Instrumental) 1804 Drew's Famous (Instrumental) Classic Rock Collection(Vol 14) The Hit Crew 聽歌去 歌詞 提供歌詞 此歌曲目前無歌詞內容,歡迎提供歌詞 加入MyMusic 粉絲團 絕對給你最扣人心弦的音樂動態歌詞と和訳 Written by billy Joel Whoa, oh, oh, oh (for the longest) For the longest time Whoa, oh, oh (for the longest) For the longest time ずっと長い間 ずっと長い間 If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be music left to write What else could I do I'm so inspired by you That hasn't happened for the
わかりやすい和訳を掲載中! For The Longest Time Billy Joel の歌詞・和訳からMV・PV、AmazonMusicのリンクなどを網羅的に掲載しています。英語の勉強にも。気になる洋楽の日本語の意味がわかります。JASRAC許諾事業The Longest Time/Billy Joelこの気持ちが長続きしたらいいのにな!*****Woah, oh, ohFor the longest tThe Longest Time歌詞Oh, oh, oh For the longest time Oh, oh, oh For the longest time If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be m 快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。
019 The Longest Time;歌詞の意味 それはあなたが私を発見 When you put your arms around me 歌詞の意味 私の周りに腕を置くとき I haven't been there for the longest time 歌詞の意味 私は長い間されていません。 Oh, oh, oh 歌詞の意味 ああ、ああ、ああ For the longest time 歌詞の意味 長い時間のためThe Longest Time歌詞Oh, oh, oh For the longest time Oh, oh, oh For the longest time If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be m 快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。
That hasn't happened for the longest time Once I thought my innocence was gone Now I know that happiness goes on That's where you found me When you put your arms around me I haven't been there for the longest time Woah, oh, oh, oh For the longest time Woah, oh, oh For the longest I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall And the greatestThe Longest Timeゴスペラーズ Oh, oh, ohFor the longest timeOh, oh, ohFor the longest timeIf you said goodbye to me tonightThere would still be music left to writeWhat else could I doI'm so inspired by youThat hasn't happened for the longest timeOnce I thought my innocence was goThe Longest Timeゴスペラーズ Oh, oh, ohFor the longest timeOh, oh, ohFor the longest timeIf you said goodbye to me tonightThere would still be music left to writeWhat else could I doI'm so inspired by youThat hasn't happened for the longest timeOnce I thought my innocence was go
Billy Joel The Longest Time Lyrics ビリー・ジョエル ロンゲスト・タイム の歌詞を無料で閲覧。英語の歌詞をカタカナ発音に変換。日本語フリガナ読みルビ記載。洋楽歌詞と和訳(日本語訳)を掲載。For the longest time 歌詞大意 長一段時間 Oh, oh, oh 歌詞大意 哦,哦,哦 For the longest 歌詞大意 時間最長 I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall 歌詞大意 我是你在大廳裡聽到的聲音 And the greatest miracle of all 歌詞大意 和所有偉大的奇跡 Is how I need you 歌詞大意 是我多麼The Longest Time歌詞Oh, oh, ohFor the longest timeOh, oh, ohFor the longest timeIf you said goodbye to me tonightThere would still be music left to writeWhat else could MyMusic懂你想聽的,打開APP立即開始聽歌
The Longest Time歌詞Whoa oh oh ohFor the longest timeWhoa oh ohFor the longestIf you said goodbye to me tonightThere would still be music left to writeWhat else coul MyMusic懂你想聽的,打開APP立即開始聽歌ゴスペラーズの「The Longest Time」歌詞ページです。作詞Billy Joel,作曲Billy Joel。(歌いだし)Oh oh oh For the longest 歌ネットは無料の歌詞検索サービスです。Long Time Ago 44年前 人間の歴史で 初めてのことさ この日本の国に 原子爆弾が落ちたのさ 知ってるだろ? 美少女も美男子も たった一発 顔は焼けただれ 髪の毛ぬけ もっと沢山の歌詞は ※ Mojimcom 血を吐きながら 死んでいくのさ Oh Long Time Ago 44年たった今
歌 飛び出せ!ステッグマイヤーズ(リサ・ステッグマイヤー、棚橋由希、ウエンツ瑛士、ジャスミン・アレン、ジェームス・マーティン、ダーブロウ有紗) コーラス 原曲 The Longest Time(Billy Joel) 作詞 Billy Joel 訳詞 タケカワユキヒデBilly joelさんの『the longest time(ロンゲスト・タイム)』歌詞です。 / 『うたまっぷ』歌詞の無料検索表示サイトです。歌詞全文から一部のフレーズを入力して検索できます。最新jpop曲・tv主題歌・アニメ・演歌などあらゆる曲から自作投稿歌詞まで、約500,000曲以上の歌詞が検索表示できますAs they live the longest day Many men are tired and weary Many men are here to stay Many men won't see the sunset When it ends the longest day The longest day The longest day This will be The longest day Filled with hopes and filled with fears Filled with blood and sweat and tears Many men the mighty thousands Many men to victory Marching on right into battle In the longest day in history The
石嶺聡子の「THE LONGEST TIME」の歌詞を提供中。Oh, oh, oh・・・Billy Joel のThe Longest Time の歌詞 Whoa, oa, oh For the longest time Whoa, oa, oh For the longest If you said goodbye to me少年隊の「The longest night」歌詞ページです。作詞根津洋子,作曲坂本洋。(歌いだし)Baby baby touch me 歌ネットは無料の歌詞検索サービスです。
For the longest time Whoa, oa, oh For the longest I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall And the greatest miracle of all Is how I need you And how you needed me too That hasn't happened for the longest time Maybe this won't last very long But you feel so right And I could be wrong Maybe I've been hoping too hard But I've gone this farBilly Joel「The Longest Time」の歌詞を探している方はこちらでチェック!スマートフォンの音楽ダウンロードならmumo(ミュゥモ)Billy Joel feat Würzburger Posaunenquartett & Wuerzburg Trombone Quartet のFor the Longest Time の歌詞 Oh, oh, oh For the longest time Oh, oh, oh For the longest If you said goodbye to me tonig
The long and winding road, that leads, to your door Will never disappear, I've seen that road before It always leads me here, lead me to your door The wild and windy night, that the rain, washed away Has left a pool of tears, crying for the day Why leave me standing here, let me know the way Many times I've been alone, and many times I've criedThat hasn't happened for the longest time Once I thought my innocence was gone Now I know that happiness goes on That's where you found me When you put your arms around me I haven't been there for the longest time Woah, oh, oh, oh For the longest time Woah, oh, oh For the longest I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall And the greatestBilly Joelが歌うTHE LONGEST TIMEの歌詞ページ(ふりがな付)です。歌い出し「Wooh, oh, oh For the」無料歌詞検索、音楽情報サイトUtaTen (うたてん) ではBilly Joelの歌詞を一覧で掲載中。フレーズ、歌い出し、作詞、作曲でも検索できます。
The Longest Time歌詞Oh, oh, oh For the longest time Oh, oh, oh For the longest time If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be m 快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。As they live the longest day Many men are tired and weary Many men are here to stay Many men won't see the sunset When it ends the longest day The longest day The longest day This will be The longest day Filled with hopes and filled with fears Filled with blood and sweat and tears Many men the mighty thousands Many men to victory Marching on right into battle In the longest day in history The